No. 1 中俄关系 China-Russia Relationship
国家主席习近平6月5日在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京会谈。两国元首高度评价建交70年来双边关系发展,一致同意秉持睦邻友好、合作共赢理念,发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era),将两国关系提升到更高水平,更好惠及两国人民和世界人民。
Xi noted that it is his first state visit to Russia following his re-election as Chinese president last year, and is the eighth time he travelled to the country since 2013, saying that the China-Russia relationship is seeing a continuous, steady and sound development at a high level, and is at its best in history. 习近平指出,这是我连任国家主席后,首次对俄罗斯进行国事访问,也是2013年以来第八次到访俄罗斯。当前,中俄关系在高水平上持续、稳定、健康发展,处于历史最好时期。
No. 2 垃圾分类 Garbage Sorting
根据条例规定,人们须将家中的垃圾按照干垃圾、湿垃圾(厨余垃圾)、可回收物以及有害垃圾这四个类别放置,如果个人没有将垃圾分类投放最高罚款200元人民币,单位混装混运最高罚款5万元人民币。此外,未经分类的垃圾,收运单位可以拒绝接收。According to the regulation, people are required to sort household garbage into four categories — dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen waste), recyclables and hazardous waste — and individuals who fail to do so will be fined up to 200 yuan. For companies and institutions, the fine can go up to 50,000 yuan. In addition, transport operators can refuse to pick up the garbage if it's not properly sorted.
No. 3 5G商用牌照 Commercial Licenses For 5G
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued commercial licenses for 5G on Thursday. 工业和信息技术部6日发放5G商用牌照。
工信部6日正式向我国三大电信运营商中国电信、中国移动、中国联通以及中国广电发放5G商用牌照(commercial licenses for 5G),我国正式进入5G商用元年。根据中国信息通信技术研究院的报告,2020-2025年,中国三大电信运营商预计将在5G网络建设(5G network construction)上投入9000亿至1.5万亿元。行业组织全球移动通信系统协会预测,到2025年,中国将成为全球最大的5G市场(become the world's largest 5G market),拥有5G用户4.6亿。
No. 4 人类世 Anthropocene
A panel of scientists voted in favor of classifying the age we are living in as a new geological epoch - the "Anthropocene" - after reviewing available evidence on the issue. 一组科学家在审阅了现有证据之后,投票赞成将我们所处的时代划分为一个新的地质时代——人类世。
人类世(Anthropocene)指人类对地球气候和环境产生主导影响(dominant influence)的时代。自从十多年前这个术语首次被正式提出以来,专家们一直为此进行激烈的争论。据自然杂志网站报道,由34名成员组成的人类世工作组(Anthropocene Working Group)确定,由于人类正对地球产生深远影响(humans are having such a profound impact on our planet),人类世这一术语成立。人类世工作组主席简·扎拉塞维奇说:"人类世是时间、过程和地层的地质单位(geological unit)。它是可辨别的,也是独特的。"
No. 5 超加工食品 Ultra-processed Food
Ultra-processed foods - such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and breakfast cereals - have been linked to early death and poor health, scientists say.科学家指出,鸡块、冰淇淋、早餐麦片等超加工食品与早逝和健康状况不良有关。
近年来,超加工食品(ultra-processed food)的摄入量大增。按照工业加工程度,食品被分成三类:第一类是"没有经过加工或加工程度最小的食品(unprocessed or minimally processed food)",包括水果、蔬菜、牛奶、肉、豆类、谷物、鸡蛋等。第二类是"加工食品(processed food)",这种食品的制作中通常加了盐、油、糖或采用了发酵(fermentation)的方式,包括奶酪、熏猪肉、自制面包(home-made bread)、熏鱼、啤酒等。第三类是"超加工食品",指经过更深度的工业加工(more substantial industrial processing)的食品。
No. 6 联邦快递 FedEx
China launched an investigation into FedEx because the US express delivery service provider allegedly failed to deliver parcels to designated addresses, a violation of Chinese postal regulations.美国快递服务提供商联邦快递被指未按名址投递快件,违反了中国的邮政法规,因此我国决定对其展开立案调查。
国内电信设备制造商(telecoms equipment maker)华为日前向媒体披露,联邦快递在没有任何详细说明的情况下,将两个寄给华为亚洲地址的包裹转运至美国(divert two parcels destined for Huawei addresses in Asia to the US),并且试图改变另外两个包裹的运输路径(reroute two others)。
国家邮政局局长马军胜2日表示,美国联邦快递在未经用户同意、也没有告知用户的情况下,擅自将快件转寄他地,未按名址投递相关快件(reroute parcels to destinations other than the designated addresses)。这一行为严重违反了我国快递业的有关法规,损害了我国客户的合法权益(harm the legitimate rights of Chinese clients),因此国家有关部门决定立案调查(launch an investigation)。
No. 7 亚洲大学排名 Asia University Rankings
China's Tsinghua University claimed the number one spot in the Times Higher Education (THE)'s Asia University Rankings 2019, becoming the first university on the Chinese mainland to top the list. 泰晤士高等教育日前发布2019年亚洲大学排名,清华大学位列第一,成为中国内地首个登顶该榜单的高校。
哈佛大学中国研究教授威廉·柯比(William Kirby)对泰晤士高等教育说,他对于中国大学的全球排名上升并不感到惊讶(he is not surprised at the rise of Chinese universities in global rankings)。他表示,没有哪个国家对高等教育的投入比中国更多(no country puts more resources into higher education than China),中国的教育体系是世界上发展最快的——无论从质量还是数量上看都是如此。他认为,鉴于清华在工程和应用科学(engineering and applied sciences)方面的优势,以及在人文和社会科学方面的项目(programs in the humanities and social sciences)上的发展,这所大学登顶亚洲大学排名不足为奇。
No. 8 习金会 Xi-Kim Summit
The top leaders of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed that the two countries should stay true to their original aspirations and join hands to create a bright future of inter-party and inter-state relations at a new starting point in history.双方一致同意,在新的历史起点上,中朝双方愿不忘初心、携手前进,共同开创两党两国关系的美好未来。
No. 9 地震预警 Earthquake Early Warning
An early warning alarm system was triggered in the provincial capital Chengdu about one minute before a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Changning county of Yibin city, Sichuan province on Monday night.
17日22时55分,四川长宁发生6.0级地震,省会成都在地震到达前约1分钟的时候通过多个广播渠道向民众发出警示(alarm the public through multiple broadcasting systems),宜宾地区则在地震到达前10秒发出预警。地震研究表明,如果能在地震发生前3秒发出预警,伤亡人数可减少14%(being aware of an earthquake three seconds beforehand can save 14 percent of casualties);提前10秒,将减少39%伤亡;提前20秒,可减少63%伤亡。同时,在重要工程如化工、高铁、地铁等领域,可通过系统紧急处置减少经济损失和次生灾害(save economic losses and avoid secondary disasters)。据中国地震台网中心项目管理部主任王松介绍(fanshuokaoyan),到2023年,全国地震预警能力将全面形成(China will build a nationwide earthquake early warning system)。
No. 10 QS世界大学排行榜 QS World University Rankings
A total of 12 Chinese academic institutions have been included in the global top 100 of the latest QS World University Rankings, released on Wednesday by London-based higher education analysts Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).19日,位于伦敦的高等教育分析机构QS发布最新"QS世界大学排行榜",共有12所中国高校跻身QS世界百强榜。
今年进入QS世界大学排行榜(QS World University Rankings)前100名的中国大学中,有6所是中国内地大学(six of the universities are from the Chinese mainland),其中清华大学是榜单上排名最高的中国大学(China's highest-ranked university in the list),位列第16位,较去年上升一位。北京大学的世界排名上升了8位,至第22位。清华和北大都取得了自2004年首次发布该榜以来的最高名次(best rankings)。
No. 11 沪伦通 Shanghai-London Stock Connect
The long-awaited Shanghai-London Stock Connect was launched in London on Monday, offering more opportunities for British and Chinese financial institutions to buy into each others' economic development.
在沪伦通业务机制(Shanghai-London Stock Connect mechanism)下,上海的上市公司(listed companies)可以通过全球存托凭证(Depositary Receipts, DR)在伦敦证券交易所上市交易,英国的上市公司可以在上海证券交易所挂牌中国存托凭证。
作为连接中国和英国资本市场的桥梁,沪伦通源起于2015年9月举行的第七次中英经济财金对话(the seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue)。过去4年间,中英双方都在为这座桥梁早日"通车"积极准备。证监会表示,启动沪伦通对拓宽双向跨境投融资渠道(expand channels for cross-border investment and fund-raising),促进中英两国资本市场共同发展(boost the development of both countries' capital markets),助力上海国际金融中心(international financial hub)建设,都将产生重要和深远的影响。
No. 12 边检 Border Inspection/Check
Performances by Chinese singer Zeng Yike, who reportedly was uncooperative and even swore at border inspection officers when passing through customs at the Beijing Capital International Airport, have been canceled following the controversy.
据媒体报道,歌手曾轶可在北京首都国际机场通关时不但不配合检查,还辱骂边检民警。6月19日,北京出入境边防检查总站在官方微博通报该事件。通报称,曾轶可多次无视边检民警让其脱帽进行面相对比的要求(ignore police requests several times for facial checks with her hat off),还对民警爆粗口(swear at the officer)。随后,民警将其带离通道,做进一步处理。期间曾轶可不服从检查,两次近距离对民警拍照(photograph the officer twice at a close range)。通报指出曾的行为已经违反了《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》中的两条规定。随后(fanshuokaoyan),国家移民管理局转发此微博,并配文:让执法者腰杆更硬,让守法者心里更暖。国门神圣,法律庄严!6月19日中午,曾轶可在微博上致歉,承认自己言行失当(inappropriate words and behavior)。
No. 13 十点共识 10-Point Consensus
Among the consensus, Xi and Abe spoke highly of the sound momentum in the development of China-Japan relations and agreed that as both countries have entered a new era of development, joint efforts are needed to build bilateral relations that meet the requirements of the new era.
No. 14 G20峰会 G20 Summit
6月28日,国家主席习近平在日本大阪出席二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会(The 14th G20 Summit)并发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》的讲话。
The G20 major economies should embrace development opportunities with greater openness and seek win-win results with better cooperation, so as to guide economic globalization toward the right direction.作为世界主要经济体,二十国集团要以更大的开放拥抱发展机遇,以更好的合作谋求互利共赢,引导经济全球化朝正确方向发展。
The G20 major economies should promote international innovation cooperation, move beyond border limitation and man-made fences, pool global wisdom to tackle common problems, and broadly apply innovation outcomes to benefit more countries and peoples.
No. 15 奥运申办程序 Olympic Bidding Process
The International Olympic Committee outlined plans to overhaul the bidding process for future Games, stating that cities interested in hosting the Games should hold referendums before submitting official tenders to avoid having to withdraw their candidacy at a later date.
奥林匹克运动迎来重大变革!近日在瑞士洛桑召开的国际奥委会第134次全会上,奥运会申办程序的改革方案获得一致通过(be given unanimous approval),《奥林匹克宪章》(Olympic Charter)也得到相应修改。由于过去几年来,不断出现奥运会申办城市中途退出(withdraw their candidacy)等问题,此次改革方案明确,有意主办奥运会的城市在提交正式投标(submit official tenders)前应进行全民公投。
No. 16不规范地名 Improper Place Names
The Ministry of Civil Affairs instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.
各地正按照六部门部署,积极推进清理整治不规范地名工作,但个别地方也存在政策标准把握不够准确、组织实施不够稳妥等情况。比如,海南省民政厅发布的关于需清理整治不规范地名清单公示中,"维多利亚花园"、"洛杉矶城小区"以及"维也纳国际酒店"等因崇洋媚外(blind worshiping of foreign names)被列入清单,引发社会热议。
No. 17 仿制药品建议清单 List of Suggested Generic Drugs
The National Health Commission has released a list of suggested generic drugs to treat serious diseases including AIDS and leukemia.
仿制药(generic drugs)是指专利药品在专利保护期结束后(after the patents on the original drugs expire),不拥有该专利的药企仿制的替代药品。仿制药与原研药具有相同的活性成分(active ingredient)、剂型(dosage)、给药途径(route of administration)和治疗作用(intended use),但是仿制药的价格要明显低于原研药。
No. 18同车不同温 Subway Train With Varying Temperatures
炎热夏季,为了应对乘客的抱怨、满足乘客需求,北京地铁6号线推出“同车不同温”服务。In a bid to ease complaints and accommodate passengers' needs in the hot summer months of Beijing, Subway Line 6 is now offering train services with varying temperatures.
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No. 1 中俄关系 China-Russia Relationship
国家主席习近平6月5日在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京会谈。两国元首高度评价建交70年来双边关系发展,一致同意秉持睦邻友好、合作共赢理念,发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era),将两国关系提升到更高水平,更好惠及两国人民和世界人民。
Xi noted that it is his first state visit to Russia following his re-election as Chinese president last year, and is the eighth time he travelled to the country since 2013, saying that the China-Russia relationship is seeing a continuous, steady and sound development at a high level, and is at its best in history. 习近平指出,这是我连任国家主席后,首次对俄罗斯进行国事访问,也是2013年以来第八次到访俄罗斯。当前,中俄关系在高水平上持续、稳定、健康发展,处于历史最好时期。
No. 2 垃圾分类 Garbage Sorting
根据条例规定,人们须将家中的垃圾按照干垃圾、湿垃圾(厨余垃圾)、可回收物以及有害垃圾这四个类别放置,如果个人没有将垃圾分类投放最高罚款200元人民币,单位混装混运最高罚款5万元人民币。此外,未经分类的垃圾,收运单位可以拒绝接收。According to the regulation, people are required to sort household garbage into four categories — dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen waste), recyclables and hazardous waste — and individuals who fail to do so will be fined up to 200 yuan. For companies and institutions, the fine can go up to 50,000 yuan. In addition, transport operators can refuse to pick up the garbage if it's not properly sorted.
No. 3 5G商用牌照 Commercial Licenses For 5G
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued commercial licenses for 5G on Thursday. 工业和信息技术部6日发放5G商用牌照。
工信部6日正式向我国三大电信运营商中国电信、中国移动、中国联通以及中国广电发放5G商用牌照(commercial licenses for 5G),我国正式进入5G商用元年。根据中国信息通信技术研究院的报告,2020-2025年,中国三大电信运营商预计将在5G网络建设(5G network construction)上投入9000亿至1.5万亿元。行业组织全球移动通信系统协会预测,到2025年,中国将成为全球最大的5G市场(become the world's largest 5G market),拥有5G用户4.6亿。
No. 4 人类世 Anthropocene
A panel of scientists voted in favor of classifying the age we are living in as a new geological epoch - the "Anthropocene" - after reviewing available evidence on the issue. 一组科学家在审阅了现有证据之后,投票赞成将我们所处的时代划分为一个新的地质时代——人类世。
人类世(Anthropocene)指人类对地球气候和环境产生主导影响(dominant influence)的时代。自从十多年前这个术语首次被正式提出以来,专家们一直为此进行激烈的争论。据自然杂志网站报道,由34名成员组成的人类世工作组(Anthropocene Working Group)确定,由于人类正对地球产生深远影响(humans are having such a profound impact on our planet),人类世这一术语成立。人类世工作组主席简·扎拉塞维奇说:"人类世是时间、过程和地层的地质单位(geological unit)。它是可辨别的,也是独特的。"
No. 5 超加工食品 Ultra-processed Food
Ultra-processed foods - such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and breakfast cereals - have been linked to early death and poor health, scientists say.科学家指出,鸡块、冰淇淋、早餐麦片等超加工食品与早逝和健康状况不良有关。
近年来,超加工食品(ultra-processed food)的摄入量大增。按照工业加工程度,食品被分成三类:第一类是"没有经过加工或加工程度最小的食品(unprocessed or minimally processed food)",包括水果、蔬菜、牛奶、肉、豆类、谷物、鸡蛋等。第二类是"加工食品(processed food)",这种食品的制作中通常加了盐、油、糖或采用了发酵(fermentation)的方式,包括奶酪、熏猪肉、自制面包(home-made bread)、熏鱼、啤酒等。第三类是"超加工食品",指经过更深度的工业加工(more substantial industrial processing)的食品。
No. 6 联邦快递 FedEx
China launched an investigation into FedEx because the US express delivery service provider allegedly failed to deliver parcels to designated addresses, a violation of Chinese postal regulations.美国快递服务提供商联邦快递被指未按名址投递快件,违反了中国的邮政法规,因此我国决定对其展开立案调查。
国内电信设备制造商(telecoms equipment maker)华为日前向媒体披露,联邦快递在没有任何详细说明的情况下,将两个寄给华为亚洲地址的包裹转运至美国(divert two parcels destined for Huawei addresses in Asia to the US),并且试图改变另外两个包裹的运输路径(reroute two others)。
国家邮政局局长马军胜2日表示,美国联邦快递在未经用户同意、也没有告知用户的情况下,擅自将快件转寄他地,未按名址投递相关快件(reroute parcels to destinations other than the designated addresses)。这一行为严重违反了我国快递业的有关法规,损害了我国客户的合法权益(harm the legitimate rights of Chinese clients),因此国家有关部门决定立案调查(launch an investigation)。
No. 7 亚洲大学排名 Asia University Rankings
China's Tsinghua University claimed the number one spot in the Times Higher Education (THE)'s Asia University Rankings 2019, becoming the first university on the Chinese mainland to top the list. 泰晤士高等教育日前发布2019年亚洲大学排名,清华大学位列第一,成为中国内地首个登顶该榜单的高校。
哈佛大学中国研究教授威廉·柯比(William Kirby)对泰晤士高等教育说,他对于中国大学的全球排名上升并不感到惊讶(he is not surprised at the rise of Chinese universities in global rankings)。他表示,没有哪个国家对高等教育的投入比中国更多(no country puts more resources into higher education than China),中国的教育体系是世界上发展最快的——无论从质量还是数量上看都是如此。他认为,鉴于清华在工程和应用科学(engineering and applied sciences)方面的优势,以及在人文和社会科学方面的项目(programs in the humanities and social sciences)上的发展,这所大学登顶亚洲大学排名不足为奇。
No. 8 习金会 Xi-Kim Summit
The top leaders of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed that the two countries should stay true to their original aspirations and join hands to create a bright future of inter-party and inter-state relations at a new starting point in history.双方一致同意,在新的历史起点上,中朝双方愿不忘初心、携手前进,共同开创两党两国关系的美好未来。
No. 9 地震预警 Earthquake Early Warning
An early warning alarm system was triggered in the provincial capital Chengdu about one minute before a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Changning county of Yibin city, Sichuan province on Monday night.
17日22时55分,四川长宁发生6.0级地震,省会成都在地震到达前约1分钟的时候通过多个广播渠道向民众发出警示(alarm the public through multiple broadcasting systems),宜宾地区则在地震到达前10秒发出预警。地震研究表明,如果能在地震发生前3秒发出预警,伤亡人数可减少14%(being aware of an earthquake three seconds beforehand can save 14 percent of casualties);提前10秒,将减少39%伤亡;提前20秒,可减少63%伤亡。同时,在重要工程如化工、高铁、地铁等领域,可通过系统紧急处置减少经济损失和次生灾害(save economic losses and avoid secondary disasters)。据中国地震台网中心项目管理部主任王松介绍(fanshuokaoyan),到2023年,全国地震预警能力将全面形成(China will build a nationwide earthquake early warning system)。
No. 10 QS世界大学排行榜 QS World University Rankings
A total of 12 Chinese academic institutions have been included in the global top 100 of the latest QS World University Rankings, released on Wednesday by London-based higher education analysts Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).19日,位于伦敦的高等教育分析机构QS发布最新"QS世界大学排行榜",共有12所中国高校跻身QS世界百强榜。
今年进入QS世界大学排行榜(QS World University Rankings)前100名的中国大学中,有6所是中国内地大学(six of the universities are from the Chinese mainland),其中清华大学是榜单上排名最高的中国大学(China's highest-ranked university in the list),位列第16位,较去年上升一位。北京大学的世界排名上升了8位,至第22位。清华和北大都取得了自2004年首次发布该榜以来的最高名次(best rankings)。
No. 11 沪伦通 Shanghai-London Stock Connect
The long-awaited Shanghai-London Stock Connect was launched in London on Monday, offering more opportunities for British and Chinese financial institutions to buy into each others' economic development.
在沪伦通业务机制(Shanghai-London Stock Connect mechanism)下,上海的上市公司(listed companies)可以通过全球存托凭证(Depositary Receipts, DR)在伦敦证券交易所上市交易,英国的上市公司可以在上海证券交易所挂牌中国存托凭证。
作为连接中国和英国资本市场的桥梁,沪伦通源起于2015年9月举行的第七次中英经济财金对话(the seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue)。过去4年间,中英双方都在为这座桥梁早日"通车"积极准备。证监会表示,启动沪伦通对拓宽双向跨境投融资渠道(expand channels for cross-border investment and fund-raising),促进中英两国资本市场共同发展(boost the development of both countries' capital markets),助力上海国际金融中心(international financial hub)建设,都将产生重要和深远的影响。
No. 12 边检 Border Inspection/Check
Performances by Chinese singer Zeng Yike, who reportedly was uncooperative and even swore at border inspection officers when passing through customs at the Beijing Capital International Airport, have been canceled following the controversy.
据媒体报道,歌手曾轶可在北京首都国际机场通关时不但不配合检查,还辱骂边检民警。6月19日,北京出入境边防检查总站在官方微博通报该事件。通报称,曾轶可多次无视边检民警让其脱帽进行面相对比的要求(ignore police requests several times for facial checks with her hat off),还对民警爆粗口(swear at the officer)。随后,民警将其带离通道,做进一步处理。期间曾轶可不服从检查,两次近距离对民警拍照(photograph the officer twice at a close range)。通报指出曾的行为已经违反了《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》中的两条规定。随后(fanshuokaoyan),国家移民管理局转发此微博,并配文:让执法者腰杆更硬,让守法者心里更暖。国门神圣,法律庄严!6月19日中午,曾轶可在微博上致歉,承认自己言行失当(inappropriate words and behavior)。
No. 13 十点共识 10-Point Consensus
Among the consensus, Xi and Abe spoke highly of the sound momentum in the development of China-Japan relations and agreed that as both countries have entered a new era of development, joint efforts are needed to build bilateral relations that meet the requirements of the new era.
No. 14 G20峰会 G20 Summit
6月28日,国家主席习近平在日本大阪出席二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会(The 14th G20 Summit)并发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》的讲话。
The G20 major economies should embrace development opportunities with greater openness and seek win-win results with better cooperation, so as to guide economic globalization toward the right direction.作为世界主要经济体,二十国集团要以更大的开放拥抱发展机遇,以更好的合作谋求互利共赢,引导经济全球化朝正确方向发展。
The G20 major economies should promote international innovation cooperation, move beyond border limitation and man-made fences, pool global wisdom to tackle common problems, and broadly apply innovation outcomes to benefit more countries and peoples.
No. 15 奥运申办程序 Olympic Bidding Process
The International Olympic Committee outlined plans to overhaul the bidding process for future Games, stating that cities interested in hosting the Games should hold referendums before submitting official tenders to avoid having to withdraw their candidacy at a later date.
奥林匹克运动迎来重大变革!近日在瑞士洛桑召开的国际奥委会第134次全会上,奥运会申办程序的改革方案获得一致通过(be given unanimous approval),《奥林匹克宪章》(Olympic Charter)也得到相应修改。由于过去几年来,不断出现奥运会申办城市中途退出(withdraw their candidacy)等问题,此次改革方案明确,有意主办奥运会的城市在提交正式投标(submit official tenders)前应进行全民公投。
No. 16不规范地名 Improper Place Names
The Ministry of Civil Affairs instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.
各地正按照六部门部署,积极推进清理整治不规范地名工作,但个别地方也存在政策标准把握不够准确、组织实施不够稳妥等情况。比如,海南省民政厅发布的关于需清理整治不规范地名清单公示中,"维多利亚花园"、"洛杉矶城小区"以及"维也纳国际酒店"等因崇洋媚外(blind worshiping of foreign names)被列入清单,引发社会热议。
No. 17 仿制药品建议清单 List of Suggested Generic Drugs
The National Health Commission has released a list of suggested generic drugs to treat serious diseases including AIDS and leukemia.
仿制药(generic drugs)是指专利药品在专利保护期结束后(after the patents on the original drugs expire),不拥有该专利的药企仿制的替代药品。仿制药与原研药具有相同的活性成分(active ingredient)、剂型(dosage)、给药途径(route of administration)和治疗作用(intended use),但是仿制药的价格要明显低于原研药。
No. 18同车不同温 Subway Train With Varying Temperatures
炎热夏季,为了应对乘客的抱怨、满足乘客需求,北京地铁6号线推出“同车不同温”服务。In a bid to ease complaints and accommodate passengers' needs in the hot summer months of Beijing, Subway Line 6 is now offering train services with varying temperatures.
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